Everybody likes to spend time with their friends, tell them that they are looking really cool, and sometimes even surprise them with lit- tle gifts. You know your best friends that well that you can tell how they are and feel just by looking at them. Even if they have only just opened the door, you already know what’s up with them. Your friends are always there for you and you can totally rely on them.
My body is something like a «Wunderwuzzi» / miracle. Not only is my body my best friend, but it even functions all by itself! Isn’t that just incredible? Only when I overdo it will my body sometimes tell me «STOP! I do NOT like that!». If I don’t listen to it then, it will go on strike. Then I understand that I have to take care of it, that I will have to take time to listen to it and to find out what it really needs.
Friendships need to be cultivated. The more careful we treat our «miracle», the better it will be functioning.