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Kapitel 4

Mindfulness In Motion

Have you ever explored the inside of a clock? It is a miracle in motion. Tiny cogwheels are working in unison, and, most of the time, very reliably so. An even greater miracle, however, is our body. The minute we take our first breath, all our organs start col- laborating completely automatically. Strict orders are sent from the brain through our body. Our body knows instinctively what to do, how to act and react when we are sick, exercising, or resting.


Have you ever tried to give such orders to your body?


When purchasing a new cell phone, we automatically buy a fitting protective cover for it, too. So what about our body? Who actually tells us how we function best and how to treat our body with care and tenderness?

Let’s give it a try. With the following exercises you will learn to breathe into specific regions of your body, to really feel your body and to energize it. Additional oxygen activates various sources of energy / power. Focusing on the individual organs supports their activities / functionalities and will help you to gain a better understanding and deeper awareness of yourself.

Mindful Movement

Take your time for
this exercise. You can
practice with friends or
schoolmates. The more
regularly you do these
exercises, the better you
will get to know yourself
and the better you will
be able to specifically
energize your body.
Of course, all your organs
work automatically;
however, they will
function longer and
better, if you treat
them with loving care
and support them.

Mindful Movement
Mister Breath guides us! We call him «SIR»!!


Breathe in and OUT! Root your feet and soles in the ground and through the earth!


Reach up while breathing IN! Explore the LYMPHS under your arms! Breathe OUT!


Breathe IN to the left where your HEART is! Bend to the left. Stretch your LUNGS!


Stretch to the right! Arms up and weight down into the heels! Feel your LUNG!


OUT! Into the candle! IN! Turn to the left. Stretch your LIVER! OUT! Back to the center!


The same to the right side! IN! LIVER, enjoy!


OUT into the table!


Take a DEEP breath! Right arm to left toes! Clap your left KIDNEY with your left hand!


OUT into the table!




Arms UP in the air! Shoulder blades touch each other while breathing OUT!


A COUPLE OF NATURAL BREATHS! … Assess! … Observe! …

Yes SIR! Well done!

Der Engel der Langsamkeit

Ein Engel hat
immer für dich
Zeit, das ist
der Engel der
Langsamkeit – der Hüter
der Hühner, Beschützer
der Schnecken, schenkt
die Geduld, die
Achtsamkeit, das Wartenkönnen,
das Lang und
das Breit. Er
streichelt die Katzen,
bis sie schnurren,
reiht Perlen zu
Ketten, ohne zu
murren. Und wenn
die Leute über
dich lachen und
sagen, das musst
du doch schneller
machen, dann lächelt
der Engel der
Langsamkeit und flüstert
leise: Lass dir
Zeit! Die Schnellen
kommen nicht schneller
ans Ziel. Lass
den doch rennen,
der rennen will!

Oft lesen wir Gedichte gemeinsam im Kreis, einmal liest jeder drei Worte, einen ganzen Satz, oder auch mal nur ein Wort!

Jutta Richter

Try it!

Er sitzt in
den Ästen vorn
uralten Bäumen, lehrt
uns, den Wolken
nachzuträumen, erzählt vom
Anbeginn der Zeit,
von Sommer, von
Winter, von Ewigkeit.
Und sind wir
müde und atemlos,
nimmt er unsern
Kopf in seinen
Schoß. Er wiegt
uns, er redet
von Muscheln und
Sand, von Meeren,
von Möwen und
Land. Ein Engel
hat immer für
dich Zeit, das
ist der Engel
der Langsamkeit. Der
Hüter der Hühner,
Beschützer der Schnecken,
hilft beim Verstehen
und beim Entdecken,
schenkt die Geduld,
Achtsamkeit, das Wartenkönnen,
das Lang und
das Breit.

Es gibt noch etwas zu entdecken …

Slow down your pace – Walking in slow motion

Try to re-discover things as if you walk for the first time.

Feel your body weight through your feet on the ground.

Accept that you are not able to do everything.

Try it!

Verein für Achtsamkeit in Osterloh e.V.

Nimm Teil an unseren Kursen ``Learning by doing``