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18:00 – 19:30 Uhr für die Toolbox und das 8 Wochen Heft

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Instruction Manual

What do you usually find in a good cookbook? Detailed recipes for preparing great meals and instructions to help you succeed in doing so. Some cookbooks also include personal stories which are so enticing that you can almost smell and taste some of the deliciousness before you’ve even started cooking.

With this idea in mind, we have written this book on mindfulness. It contains a variety of topics, exercises and instructions, but also stories that explain why it makes sense to practice mindfulness in the same way as we brush our teeth every day. Try it! Get creative and inventive, because each of you knows best what is good for you! Why not write in this book and invent new exercises?


Good luck and enjoy!

This book is about things you already have within you. It invites you to notice what moves in and out of your body, what goes through your mind and what nourishes both, mind and body. It also invites you to use what you notice as a tool. You have everything you need.

«You are the Toolbox»

Two important tools are the now and the here.
You know the concept of «fast forward» or playing a film or piece of music «backwards» – the place in between these two is

NOW – «play».
That is the now, the present moment.

It is natural for the mind to wander to things in the future or drift back into the past.

This is necessary for us to get things done, but very often we get lost. Mindfulness is a practice that teaches us how to become aware of when that’s happening. Most of the time it is the step already to get back to the present moment. It is the simplest thing, but it takes practice, and nobody can do it for you.

Only you can do it.

Breath and Breathing

We all breathe of course, but we seldom consciously use the ways in which breathing can help us focus. Breathing may seem simple, but it is not. How do you breathe? Where do you feel your breath? How does it feel?

My Body, My Friend

My body is something like a miracle. Not only is my body my best friend, but it even functions all by itself! Isn’t that just incredible? The more careful we treat our «miracle», the better it will be functioning.

Open Thinking

Most of the things we worry about never actually happen, but that doesn’t stop us from worrying. By taking a couple of breaths we can put a little distance between us and our worries, so that they don’t rule our lives.

Mindfulness In Motion

When purchasing a new cell phone, we automatically buy a fitting protective cover for it, too. So what about our body? Who actually tells us how we function best and how to treat our body with care and tenderness?


My love for beautiful colors, exquisite textiles and aromas goes back to my earliest childhood. Isn’t it just wonderful that we are able to experience this intensive awareness of our senses – smelling, seeing, sensing, tasting?

Mindful Language

A proverb says: «What goes around, comes around.» One is treated the same way as one treats other people. Although we are well aware of that, it often seems to slip our minds in everyday life.

Calm And Cool-Headedness

It’s impossible to remain calm all the time. But once you have learned to observe yourself, you can choose to be calm at any moment. Take a breath and pause to choose your actions a little more wisely.

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass The Toolbox is You den renommierten Preis „Österreichs schönste Bücher 2016“ sowie den österreichischen Nationalpreis für Buchgestaltung gewonnen hat.


Du trägst schon alles in Dir

Das interaktive Achtsamkeitsbuch, ist so unverwechselbar wie jede/r Einzelne von uns. Eine bunte Mischung an Möglichkeiten, die eigene Intuition, Energie und Kreativität zu entdecken.

Durchgehend in deutscher und englischer Sprache gestaltet

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Auf Spendenbasis

The Toolbox is You ist ein gemeinnütziges Projekt des Vereins für Achtsamkeit Osterloh e.V.

[…] let everything become your teacher:
your body, your attitudes, your mind, your pain, your joy,
other people, your mistakes, your failures, your successes,
nature – in short, all your moments.

with grateful thanks to Jon Kabat-Zinn, for his vision, teaching and friendship
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Der Verein für Achtsamkeit Osterloh e.V. lädt alle Interessierte ein, die Achtsamkeit in einem breiten Kursangebot mit uns zu erleben. Achtsamkeit heißt, bewusst zu atmen, zu sehen, zu hören und zu schmecken. Aber auch, bewusst miteinander zu kochen, zu lachen und zu singen.